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Friday, May 8

last post laughing

I told you I liked the blog so much that I'd start my own weekly art blog:

Monday, April 27

Anna's Last Post! Sto piangendo!

I hope that "sto piangendo" is what I meant to say. Anyway...

Towards the end of the semester, I remember everyone talking about what a great jumping-off point Florence was for our majors. How true! I started the semester knowing only the assignment-based world of freshman and sophomore year, and look where I ended up: At final critiques I had worked with so many ideas that when I tried to explain my process, I forgot what had led to what! You know, like when you're having an interesting conversation and then you try to figure out, 'How did we start talking about that?' It seems like just what I needed to prepare me for my major, when I'll have to come up with my own ideas.
       But then I remembered, "Cazzo! I don't start my art major till 2 years from now! Next year's gonna be all PNP! There's no way I can keep this momentum!" So I was all worried, but then I was like, "Wait Anna, calm down. What ideas have you been thinking of all semester? How quickly memories fade, What makes art necessary, why not just use words? What can be expressed through art but not through words? What does it mean to 'understand' something?-- Those are all PNP questons." So now I feel like it's possible, it's gonna be alright, and I'm even going to be making my art better as I learn PNP. I mean it's practically the same thing; scientists need to be able to be flexible in their working process just like artists do!
     But it's still too bad I'm gonna miss all my new art school friends:(

* * * - CIAO CIAO

basta così.
it's been nice, Firenze.

as always
until then
