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Sunday, January 25

chow!!! from felicia (:

okay. i'm eating yogurt and Wake Up cornflakes from the 1 euro store and it's delicious. the italian yogurt, i feel, has a richer and fuller taste than its american colleagues, though the cornflakes becomes soggier at a much faster rate.

since i've gotten here, the cultural (and culinary) comparisons have known no end. to be honest, i had been quite anxious and nervous about coming, but once i actually arrived, became immersed in Italia and all its narrow alleyways, green windows, intimidatingly well-dressed men and women, and all of its surrounding history and beauty, i was ready for the adventure that is to come. and i'm really, really excited :)

i don't think i need to reiterate how amazing it is to be here; florence is a hard city not fall in love with. i love all the little caffes on the corner, the little old ladies in those ridiculous mink coats, and how every corner of the city is some amazing work of art or piece of history. and the real suspicious lookin' guys selling watches outside our appartment (why our appartment, i dont know, but that's also how i recognize the entrance to our street from the market).

i'm also very excited for our program; so far, the readings have been so insightful and illuminating, and have been something i turn over in my mind as i roam the city. also, all the art openings and the Bologna art fair have probably been by far the most enjoyable and fulfilling experiences for me so far. seeing the work of contemporary artists has been thought-provoking and exciting. this whole experience so far has been strangely refreshing; i feel as though i've completely immersed myself in art. i wake up to a city that is a living museum, go to class to study art, i'm always around other art students, and even while i am wandering around i'm gathering and making notes. everything i do here is somewhat related to art. frankly, it's quite exhilirating.

my cornflakes are really soggy at this point so here are some photos and videos that i've gathered:
