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Sunday, January 25

Holly in Firenze 1

       After only being here in Florence for about 2 weeks, there are so many things to talk about. I was definitely shocked when I arrived, and it has taken me a while to settle in. Rolling my 80 lbs of luggage down the cobblestone streets and having italians stare at me in confusion was not really the welcome I had envisioned. My bag kept flipping over every 3 steps, but no one else seemed to have this issue. Also, I remember Mauricio mentioning that Florence was a fairly loud city, but I did not know just HOW loud it is at night. I did not sleep well the first few nights with all of the market carts rolling down the cobblestone, people yelling, singing, and the street cleaner. But I finally got some earplugs and I've slept like a baby since.
       Florence as a city is such an opportunity for inspiration. I am really drawn to the intricate details and patterns visible on every building, window display, sewer drain, and door. Being from the countryside of Kentucky, I also like to be surrounded by nature. Although green is a rare sight in the center of Florence (seeing as the dogs all have to poop on the sidewalks), the hike to Fiesole was very refreshing to me. The lifestyle of Florence is also very bustling, yet relaxed. This can be both refreshing but frustrating when you need to get something, take cashing traveler's checks for example (it took me a week and 6 banks to finally get money).
       One place I have found I like spending time in is the Central Food Market by San Lorenzo. It is entertaining to listen to all the italian around me and everything is so colorful. I like seeing all the different food and people thrown together, and I have had more luck communicating with others in italian there more than anywhere so far. One thing I would advise NOT to do: order everything in kilos...depending on what you get, it is a LOT of food, but it lasted us a long time! I am excited to explore other areas of Florence and gather inspiration for my artwork. I am so happy to be learning in this environment and to have such detailed documentation of my time here!

Holly Graham
Here are some photos: