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Saturday, January 31

Siena II

I had trouble picking my two concepts, but decided on exploring "eye" and "having a soul." The concrete idea of an eye has lead to idiomatic connections such as eye of the tiger, hook and eye, eye of the needle. Once again my costume shop experience is popping up. I've also been drawn to strobe lights, disco balls, headlights, and other light-oriented things since eyes have a lot to do with light. Or maybe I'm becoming a moth drawn to a psychedelic flame. Either way, that concept has been much easier to pair with visual images.

As far as souls go, I think about ethics and vegetarianism and how humans consider themselves so separate from the rest of the world's living organisms. It seems like another way of looking at souls is in terms of ecosystem interconnectivity and reincarnation. I'm also interested in the idea of selling one's soul to the devil in order to achieve immortality or eternal youth or whatever floats your boat. The idea of soul originated from some people's belief that taking one's picture or seeing one's own reflection sucks away one's soul. Maybe not having a soul could become an existentialist fad. (I don't pretend to understand existentialism, but I'm intrigued by it). Why do people think a soul is so important? Why can't this life be enough? Does it have to do with the fear of not living life to the fullest?