Consider using this slideshow format in your posts...

Wednesday, January 21

Welcome to Florence!

Hello everyone,

Welcome to our group blog! I hope all of you are settling in, adjusting, and ready for a fantastic semester! This blog will serve as an individual and group diary, a forum to document your thoughts/experiences/observations as they relate to our class. Each week you will post a written statement and 5-10 images that describe your visual thinking. (please use Flickr or if you are a gmail user, you might try Picasa Web Albums, the internal google photo sharing program).

Each week you should post by Sunday night and this week will be our first “official” posting. (You certainly don’t have to wait until Sunday to do it, however.) I will give you the sign in/password information in class on Thursday. For this first post, you might describe your first impressions and experiences and link to some images from the Gathering assignment.

You might take a look at last year’s blog for inspiration:

Yesterday’s inauguration was quite an auspicious beginning to our semester. I hope everyone is filled with the optimism and faith that this new era holds for all of us. Lets use that positive energy throughout the semester and channel it into our work.

I’m looking forward to working with you this semester and getting to know each of you and your work.
