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Saturday, January 24

Florenzia, Florenze, Florence


Scary, how much time has and hasn't past!Florence is very cool. I have officially gotten lost 4 times and "misplaced" about a dozen more. The locals are allot nicer than they say though and will help you out if you are desperate.
So I am sure the other students will tell you about the hike we did. It was great despite the rain and of my photos are from there. Their is a monastery their but something about how/when I entered got me stopped and I had no idea what the guy was saying. I was even following all of the sign rules like no talking or listening to cell phones. It was about the most awkward thing I have ever experienced.
My home stay family is great. They wont let me take a picture yet as they are not "looking prity" but I think I can convince them soon. The Dinners are Divine and the 4 women; mother, 2 daughter age 26 and 30,+ permanent guest British women(Jane is Great) are all really nice and a hoot to watch.
So on too actual art stuff... I have been doing allot of night shots for fun on my small digital which are on my flicker. I have also been doing some drawings on my self which are so much fun because it is great to see how people react and I like how it makes the work more intimately a part of me or the person I am drawing on. Anyway, I drew some ruff sketches of the pieces at the Bologna art fair on my arm that really impacted me. It was interesting to see peoples expressions. Some people just looked and seemed to think about it but others(especially the ones who were clearly their to bid) looked like they were thinking "gee, what a stupid thing to do." My other shots are sketches and the like from my gathering of things from around Florence. By the way, the title of my post is from the various names that Florence was called over time gotten from maps in the cartography museum. Well cuoi for now. -Cat