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Sunday, April 12

Anna's blog entry she wrote 2 nights ago

Okay--I'm feeling really good about myself right now. Last night I couldn't sleep because online I measured the distance for the workout I did and found out that I'm a lot faster than I thought. So I was up thinking about having my first healthy summer (running-wise, I mean) in 2 years, and as not disastrously as my fall season went after only having run in the pool last year, I could actually have a comeback season!
     Where does all this fit into art? Whenever I feel good about myself, I take care of myself better, do more work, make more responsible decisions...(which is the opposite of how it should be, you know? Shouldn't I take care of myself better when I'm feeling bad?) Anyway, I can't predict how my final project will go, but at least I'll feel good while I'm doing it!