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Sunday, April 5

Chapter 12: In which Sylva devotes herself wholeheartedly to bookbinding.

I'm turning into a bookworm. Or maybe a bookspider, weaving bookwebs. Or something. Anyway, I cornered Mike in the printmaking studio and begged him to teach me the accordion. Then, with magic tips from Leah, (secured from Jana) I was able to create a pretty rockin' libro with some b&w photos on the first try. I went on to do another for my photo project with photos I took from 1600 film to RC paper. Holla! I've got plans for a Fiorentine Trash book, and a book of S.H. (SH like ssshhhh, you'll find out what it stands for later), and other books highlighting treasure in the collection of my wunderkammer. Potentially a museum guidebook/brochure. I'ma gonna work on getting some drawing up in there roundabouts, too. Oh! I learned Friday to do gel medium transfers. It's a lot harder to get the paper off than with the fantastic sticker method highlighted in Laura's post.

I'm still museumy in the head. . . not sure what form exactly it will take, but I still want to explore building an actually space, which may also make reference to a larger collection which is implied.

Italian internet has a vendetta against flickr, but oddes are 2 to one that Sylva.Johnson has some photos to share.