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Sunday, April 12

Noah, shazaam

I am nearing the end of my battle with these little boxes. like a proud parent i am getting to watch them go out into the world and make things happen that i wouldn't have been able to predict. mostly they fall over in the wind and attract stares from confused italians but every once in a while something really nice happens. without fail this is always just the moment that i chose to put my camera down but eventually i'll catch it.  
saw inter blow a commanding lead to palermo of all people yesterday. it was frustrating because you could see it happening even before the goals were scored but it took two goals in as many minutes to get the overpaid premadonnas back on their game. plus Patrick Viera came in which was probably decisive. either way, it was an entertaining 90 minutes that made fiorentina games in their quaint 35,000 seat stadium look very bush-league.