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Sunday, April 19

I'm Back for my last post!

Basta Pasta! I am finally done, well, I still think I'm going to make a few more wax tubes in my apartment tonight because san gallo is about to kick me out! and I feel like there can never be enough of these things. I keep looking at them and deciding, oh, I think I need another one right there! I love the way the wax tubes glow in the dark with the small lights underneath and how my video becomes partially abstracted when projected onto the tubies.

It's strange though, because with as much time and emotion that I have put into this project, I feel a lot more removed from it than at first. I think trying to translate what I was going through on the inside for the past 3 weeks into a physical form has helped me to work through everything, at least for now. I'm not really sure if I will get emotional tomorrow, but I hope not. I think I have done a better job this time of keeping things a little more removed from the exact subject matter. I know I still have a long road of healing ahead of me, but for now I am so proud of what I have accomplished.

Also, my salsa dancing painting went really well. I had no idea what to expect, but it actually happened, and now I have something to work from.

See you tomorrow! PHOTOS!