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Sunday, April 5

how small I am

I have to start this blog with the most mundane but still very true statement people use: this semester has offered me a very valuable lesson of life that is to realize how small and imperfect I am. Working very intimately with other classmates, so much of them being so talented, I have come to learn how much more I have to grow. Instructors usually say not to compare ourselves to others and judge our works, but sometimes, seeing how farther other kids are in the stage of their lives makes me become modest and it also motivates me to work harder. Regarding my drawing skill, (realized from the drawings we did at La Specola) I know now how much more I have to develop and regarding generating ideas, I now know how much more effort and time I have to spend. Having realized as such, I now am off produce more works dealing with the idea of who is observing/observed, seeing the unseen and etc.
Here are the photos that are somewhat irrelevant to my project, (but intriguing enough for me to relate back to certain ideas I'd have) and the video that plays with the concept of the 'reality' over the camera lens view.
