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Sunday, April 12

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The candle videos have been refined. The secrets have been mined (although more and more and more submissions are still welcome!). How silly - I just rhymed. anyway, enough.

I am working now to combine these video pieces with imagery that will allude to the nature of our secrets and the things embedded within us that keep them aflame. I've realized that the explicit presentation of secrets, while powerful in an entirely different way, is not the path I want to follow. Currently, I'm working to find that perfect combination, but I am not sure if it will manifest itself in a complete video piece, drawings, or obscured text-drawings. I really like this technique of layers: of ink washes, then chalking, then writing, then pin-pricking, then chalking, then pin-pricking, etc. In this way, the text of these secrets transforms into something bigger and allows the emotion behind the secret to breathe, to not get so caught and confined in the limitations of words. I also feel like this method plays quite nicely with the nature of wanting to keep something hidden or prick it away or barely let it shine through only to cover again or present it in obscurity... Overall, I am really working to allude to that very intimate feeling of secrets that makes us feel like we have to keep them hidden and very close to ourselves through image... whether it be through an image that alludes to a memory, scene, etc. (like this?) or drawings of these things or merely allowing the text to become the drawing, allowing it to breathe.


p.s. THANKS SO MUCH to everyone who submitted secrets! Secrets will still be welcome (and I'd love you for it!) if you still want to be sweet & contribute! The secret box will be on my desk all this week. GRAZIE MILLE!