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Saturday, April 4

Siena XI

I'm interested in spider webs and the duality of a web as a home/resting place as well as a trap. I did some brainstorming via ink and nib mind maps (or mind webs, if you will) that could even be considered drawings if the viewer was astute enough to understand the diameter of the term "drawing." I'd like to do more with very watered down ink so the words are extremely subtle

I also crinkled paper and dunked it in inky water then flattened the paper. The paper wrinkles had a webby look to them. I started stippling the drawings with a needle and when I held it up to the light there was a dazzling starlight effect. I was hooked. I started working on only stippling in between the weblike lines. Holding it up to the light made the paper look like a delicate leaf. After I had done a bit, I looked at it on the lighttable with a magnifying eyepiece and the ratty piece of paper I started with was totally transformed. It took on connotations of the night sky, an aerial view of a city at night, etc. 

Later I experimented with putting photo paper underneath the stippled paper and exposing it to light. Then I tried putting the paper in the negative carrier. The results were very interesting. The ink splashes blocked the light and my enlarged photocopied shortmarks drawing comes through from the backside. The prints look sort of like diseases or something. You could even say that it takes on properties of both the intimate and the infinite...