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Monday, April 27

Cat calling

So this semester finals has been really good. I really liked my sketches and figured out that working where I let the piece create itself works well for me. Also with the bookshelf sometimes the most obvious answer is the best. Follow impulses. I have learned allot ( Some things I can force myself to do (books final drawings) and some things I just have to let flow(dog). (following impulses can be really smart but if possible have someone running on enough sleep double check them before finals)
I really liked the pieces I turned in for my finals for the most part. I think the performance was a bad idea but I had tried to first build a costume as a self portrait that emphasized physical flaws but it really didn't work (looked ridiculous and did not get the point across- that was what was hanging up outside of the crit) so I tried the song out with the intention that it was NOT finished but I might be able to get feedback on how a piece like that might work. ( the problem was it was probably not the best time to try that but I did not have more time in the semester either ) saylasvi
Anyway huge cutoes to all and huge hug out to Janna.