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Sunday, February 1

Alexandria's second post

Well, I guess I can start out with class this week. all of the excercises with the objects is a different way of thinking, but it has been pretty interesting to see all the hidden images or words a simple object or idea might have which leads to the second part of the project. So my object was a little beaded doll, sort of like a worry doll i guess and it is always in my purse. My mom made it and sent it to me during my first year at Washu. So for my concrete object i decided to pick doll in general and thought about all the associations there is with those from barbie dolls to ancient figurines and the attachment that kids always seem to make with some stuffed animal or doll. For the conceptual one i picked the idea of "leaving" since i received the doll after I left home. But it the concept could be a simple as that, leaving a physical place or leaving behind a past or just growing up, but as time goes on people, places, things all in a sense "leave" but at the same time arrive. 

Also, this weekend I made it out to Volterra, the oldest city in Italy aparently that dates back to the etruscan age. It was beautiful!!! Built on a hill, surrounded by a walled fortress and the rolling hills of tuscany, it looks like a castle only from like fairy tales or something. I loved the narrow medieval streets and it had a very similar feeling to Fiesole. Compared to Florence everything much older and worn down and I guess untouched. I'm sure it gets its fair share of tourists, but if the difficulty in getting there was any indication, much less than Florence. I have also realized that after of a week of classes and running here and there, getting out of the city is very calming and relaxing. This is where that weird feeling of how long all of these cities/structures have stood here coems back and its hard to imagine until you remember that you are standing in front of in front of them. I guess its also funny that its my birthday, because that is another way of tracking time and was just an another thought to this concept. 

Some of the photos here are from class and the little collection book. I've also started to notice and be intrigued by the Madonna statues in the chapels of the churches here and the small action of lighting a candle and then leaving it to burn itself out. I included a drawing of one and a few from the cathedral in Volterra.