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Sunday, February 15

Jennifer gets her fourth one in!

Oops!  So amidst the painting, tracing, cutting, and scratching of art history pictures for Regan's drawing class, I lost track of time on Sunday, and before I knew it was 10:30 pm and I decided to leave early to do the blog at my homestay...only to find I had to wait in the freezing cold for 45 minutes for the bus, didn't get home till 11:30, everybody was asleep, the internet wasn't working, and I decided because we had to get up at an ungodly hour for this Siena trip, sleep was more important....hence the late post.  
Firstly, I would like to comment on the exorbitant amount of tourists braving the Florentine city this weekend.  I was walking past Il Duomo around 1 in the afternoon on Sunday, and if one didn't know, you would think that Obama was giving a speech on the front steps!  I've never seen so many.  It was a good day to act like an asshole and skip the entire line of canoodling couples waiting to get into the Uffizi.  It made me appreciate the "Valentine's Day Massacre" party Danny's apartment through on Saturday night for all of us single ladies out there.
On another note, this week was a turning point for artwork.  We recieved our midterm project for Regan's drawing class, which not only gives us an actual project to work on, but puts the semester in perspective...aaaah!  Once the midterm is over we only have one half of a semester left, which will no doubt FLY by!  In Jana's class, we have really started to strap down our concepts.  Last week I decided to try stop motion animation after getting slightly frustrated with my sculpture.  I have to say, stop motion animation wasn't any less frustrating, but it did help take my concept of decay and growth to another level.  I have a million ideas to continue this video, which I have been trying unsuccessfully to upload to youtube, but I'm struggling with knowing whether or not I have the skill or patience to do it, because I have NEVER worked in film before.  It's like the first time you open up Photoshop and you are so overwhelmed and excited at the same time that you want to try every filter and button possible before you decide what you want to do.  Yep, that's me with imovie.  We'll see how it turns for photos unfortunately I exceeded my upload limit for the month on flickr, so until I can figure out how to get around that you'll have to wait in suspense...

Ciao!  Jen