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Sunday, February 15


After tracing out an entire map to photocopy for a transfer, I ended up deciding to do a cut-out of the tracing and layer all the maps on top of each other. Needless to say, it was a tedious process, made more difficult by the fact that the blade wasn't the right size/kind for the base. (I've since managed to procure some actual x-acto blades which I sketchily had to hide this morning before trying to get into the Uffizi.) It didn't turn out exactly as I'd planned but I think it was a good starting point. I'm excited to push it farther and to play with scale, orientation, and different materials. I went out and bought tracing paper, acetate, watercolor paper, thread, and cardboard so we'll see where that takes me. Doing some research, I found a lot of contemporary artists that have/are working with maps. Some of Maya Lin's and Ernest Dudley Chase's work seems interesting. I also went on a tour of the secret passages in the Palazzo Vecchio (which was awesome, you should go!) and was inspired by all the hidden paths and maps.

Speaking of maps, it was incredibly amusing filming people being lost and I definitely want to continue gathering some more footage. This weekend especially, I saw so many great puzzled expressions. The sun must have coaxed all the tourists to come out. I regretted not having any battery left in my camera to capture them. I think I'll look into borrowing a proper videocamera from the school though for better quality.