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Monday, February 16

Danny Greenberg: Channeling Leah Nixon

First of all I apologize for being late on this one.
Secondly, after showing my video last week I instantly had a plethora of ideas to pursue this week, so I worked on three projects:
another video piece, a two dimensional piece exploring one aspect of homosexual culture in dating, and some poster design. Unfortunately, non of the works are finished, but I think by the end of class today I can wrap up two of the three, however the video piece will need more time.
I was really surprised by the strong responses I received on my video piece last week so I was worried about how to follow it up and I needed to calm down a bit, so I starting cooking food for people for no significant reason, and giving small courses of food (open face panini, re-inventions of ambrosia salad, ext ext, so I am still in the back of my head enamored by the fact that food brings people together and uplifts, because after that everyone was in a good mood. And I am thinking that I may want to explore this.
I cannot figure out how to upload my video, but I am on it.