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Sunday, February 8

Ready to fail

A great inspiration, Felix Gonzalez-Torres.
From the reading that Jana gave us this week on Felix Gonzalez-Torres, I basically found the way to approach my project, my future works and a part of my life. First, it was astonishing and so refreshing to read what he has to say about originality. I just have to state this part from the article even though half of my classmates already read this. He says, "I think we're part of a historical process and I think that this attitude that you have to murder your father in order to start something new is bullshit[...] I respect my elders and I learn from them[...] I'm secure enough to accept those influences. I don't have anxiety about originality, I really don't." One day, I want to be confident or content enough about my work to say the same thing about originality as Torres. Also, it was almost pleasing to capture his enlightened thoughts, especially about how this guy is able to say whatever he has to say about anything in his art and still not offend anyone by being on the side of your enemy; he advises, "[h]ere the Left we should stop wearing the fucked-up-T-shirts that say 'Vegetarian Now.' No, go to a meeting and infiltrate and then once you are inside, try to have an effect[...] The enemy is too easy to dismiss and to attack."
I was thinking, then, that I could give it a shot and try his way of thinking and working and apply it to my future works. For the project that is due soon, I'll try a new way and I'm not afraid to fail, because if I do fail, I could always try some other way and say, "well, I learned that his way doesn't really work for me this time."
here are the photos of antiquity of Florence.
*ps. I could not create another set so it connects directly to all my photostream.
