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Sunday, February 22

La Distrutta Vivian vorrei sapere: Dove che LA MENTA?!?! Perche non che in il mio stomaco, o in la cona!

To say it in the words of Vincenzo: O Madonna! Che stress! Sono distrutta! Talk about a settimana pazza… I don’t even know where to begin!

An update, I guess: I’ve decided that my theme sequence project and drawing project are going to be one and the same – the PBS style “edu-tainment” (as Regan said) video of my family as though we were like the Medici. After talking to Regan Tuesday, I was advised to go directly to the Uffizi and purchase the best Medici portraiture book I could find… which wasn’t as easy of a feat as I thought it was going to be… there wasn’t much to choose from… either an English book on the (not so handsome) Medici dukes, or a pretty awesome Italian book on portraits “of those in power,” I went with the Italian; and, although my wallet is a little lighter it was definitely worth it in the end, after having spoken with Jana… who thought that I should use scans of the actual images from the book itself to tell the story… Regan’s original idea was for me to use the book as a reference to draw individual portraits of my family members in a “pre-final-painting” style sketch; or even work with under layer tonal paintings of an “unfinished” painting of my family.

… all this aside, I’m sortakinda…confused as to how to balance all the different input I’m getting. My original idea of how this project would develop keeps changing as I speak to different people, and try to work out all the kinks. Not to mention that taking on this project isn’t easy, in the more personal sense. The narration aspect seems to consume my thoughts.., I keep randomly narrating the events in my life in different ways, then thinking “no no that’s too intense,” “no, that’s just plain mean,” “ha. hahahaha.,” “wow. coorrrnnnyyy”. It’s just that I realize the story is the driving fact aside from the visual… and I just need to do it justice, I guess.

I story-boarded out all the main events, and how I want the sequence to be, where I should include interviews… so now its just doing it. Getting it right. Bleh! I think too much. I should just trust my gut impulses; they are what made the restoration video a success, anyway.

On a side note, or maybe not so much; considering the masked-reality theme I’ve got going here (har har)... I went to Carnevale this weekend (woop! just like all the rest of us), and I’m just going to put this out there: I really didn’t like Venice the last time I went in the summer of ‘06… I just wanted to die: I was over-heated, sweaty, no AC, and “soo many tourists.” God was I an idiot, so many tourists?! No. Today, I was moved through the streets by the crowds. I had no say in the matter. Tourists aside, Venice parte due for me was extremely more pleasant than my first go. Maybe it was because I was with friends, or more likely … hello, the costumes?! Totally up my ally. O Madonna! LOVED IT! The Maschere! I wanted to take one home!.. I wanted to make one, I wanted to be one… It would have been a frighten sight if anyone would have put an ample amount of tulle and glitter in front of me. I got a potted plant Maschera to hug me!!!! Yeah, so.. super awesome.

Oddio! … back to narrating my life.

- Vivian (all photos)