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Sunday, February 22

Cat's week 5

When I first heard about our drawing midterm I was excited. I started off thinking gee what work could I base my work off of. On my walk down from Piazzale Michelangelo I found myself drawn to one of the four gate towers around Florence. I thought it would be really cool to somehow draw myself into the niches of the stairs that are so starkly vacant. This idea morphed with the idea of reflections and edges that I had been thinking about in theme sequencing. I love how the past and the present always overlap. Time and events always seem to repeat themselves just with different people or different places. As you saw in my last post, I took pictures that dealt a lot with reflections. I decided to build a costume and dress myself as one of the traditional highborn but not Medici class women from the 14th century. I based my costume off one in Santa Maria Novella. I want to where it and get my reflections photographed. Hopefully, if I do it right, the photos will serve as windows that capture the two worlds past and present. I think the biggest problem will be making this not feel kitsch. But I think if I make the work a body, the dress, the pre-sketches and really well done photos, I hopefully can elevate the work to say something deeper and make the audience think about the connections between time instead of just saying ow wow that's cool. I also plan to do a piece that is film based where I consume a work and it is somehow reflected in my perception. I am planning on it being the same fresco of a woman that my dress is based loosely off of. Originally I was thinking it would be reflected in my eyes but I think Regan was right when she said that I might want to think deeper about how it is reflected and tie it in to mirrors possibly.
Well I think I aught to get cracking so aufitizein till then! Oh I have a few pics from Venice up. Work in progress will be up soon.