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Sunday, February 22

in which grace is obsessed as ever...

Uffa. Venice overload.

Digesting all the images I took from Carnivale weekend has taken quite some time, but guess what? I was surprisingly predictable in the pictures that I took: holes in walls, confetti, shrine-like things. Which is exactly the direction my now combined Drawing/Theme Sequence project has gone.

Theme Sequence-wise, I'm following my bizarre urge to fill the holes in the walls in Florence with...things. What things, you ask? Why, 1 Euro/99 cent store things, of course! I've amassed enough Euro store "supplies" by now to make lame and/or awesome secret santa gifts for half the city. Okay, that's probably an exaggeration. But the three overflowing grocery bags that I carry to and from studio are no joke. Someone needs to take a picture of me with all my stuff - I think I probably look like a crazy trash lady.

For Drawing, the the "masterwork" I'm working with is the idea/form of the traditional shrine/altar as we've seen in the churches and old buildings here. I'm also trying to think about quality of line as it applies to an installation - thin thread versus rough twine, textured confetti sewn together versus smooth plastic straws....And I may also do drawings of the holes before/after or of the objects I'm putting in the holes themselves.

And I'm thinking about incorporating this into Drawing Perspectives somehow...? Maybe the things I put into the holes will be attached to the walls by little flaps like in a tunnel book...or maybe my tunnel book will mimic the space of a hole in the wall.

I've already started the madness. Click here and here for pictures of intervention #1.

See the rest here.
