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Sunday, February 15

felican- blogpost number four

This is week number four. It's been a whole month..!

The weather has been terribly cold. It's funny actually; talking about the weather is the most common kind of small talk, but I find that it always comes up in conversation, even at the beginning of conversations, even with people that I am very close to. It sets a precursor to the current state of my being. Despite the coldness however, I am very happy to see clear skies.

In terms of my work, I've been thinking of the discussion we had in the last theme-sequence class and have been developing my ideas of wrapping around that. Something that came up in the analysis of my video was the paradox of hiding in public. This lead me to this idea of wrapping magnificently. To hide magnificently, conspicuously, shamelessly, is kind of like admitting to the fact that you have secrets. And then I thought about unwrapping. Wouldn't it be better to open yourself entirely and liberate yourself? To release your deepest fears into the world and be free? Or maybe the point of wrapping magnificently is to boldly admit to your vulnerability, feeling safe within yourself, and to keep your secrets and not betray them. 

I bought 2 metri of this off-white fabric, but I don't know how to use it yet. I'm thinking of utilizing the photocopy transfer technique that Regan introduced in class, or making prints on it. Sometimes I am lead to a fashion-y sort of direction (maybe printing the designs on the Duomo as a pattern or utilizing the fruity color schemes of Florentine buildings) or some sort of performance art (wrapping myself in public places) but I have this tendency to shut myself down before I try anything. I keep having problems with committing to an idea and executing it. So for this week, I've been continuing with wrapping space into packages (pictures I have yet to post because I am having problems with my camera), and have been sketching drapery and those floating manneristic fabrics in my sketchbook, as well as continuing my perpetual brainstorm for inspiration. 

I am very excited for our trip to Sienna tomorrow!!!! Hopefully the weather will be warmer and the skies will be blue.

Pictures to be up due to camera malfunctions
