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Sunday, February 15

La dolce vita di Soo

In italian cinema class, we watch the most beautiful movies ever made in Italy. This week, my life was once more enriched by this film, titled "La Dolce Vita." The title is actually quite cynical in a sense that the movie criticizes the society where people failed to live a life beyond the level of pursuing ephemeral contentment. However, I'm gonna use the literal meaning of the title of the movie to describe my past week this time. First of all, I was getting quite excited about the idea I had for designing the costume for the carnival that is coming up pretty soooon. It is basically gonna be some paintings on the plain blue colored hoodie I bought, but the idea of painting on clothes itself just excited so much because I've always been wanting to customize my own clothes or my shoes. Now that I actually have a foundation just for that purpose and some paints ready, all I have to do is enjoy the time of painting and Carnival. Also, the religious references that "La Dolce Vita" makes (using a couple different forms to hint at the Second Coming of Christ people so firmly believed in 1960s) inspired me to plan on a grandios scale of work for my art classes. Not to take up like 3 pages to explain my plans here on the website, I'll leave it to my one to one discussion section with Jana (which will hopefully happen..). However, I got on my journey to search for the sources for my work and took a field trip to Palazzo pitti to study the faces of Jesus and the virgin Mary in the paintings. As I was there, I took a short walk to Boboli garden and had the most beautiful, meditated time on a sunny sunday afternoon. I invite you to follow my footprints to peek into my sweet sweet life...*