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Sunday, February 15

Cats angelic post!

So I am excited about the new drawing assignment. I am still a bit stuck as to what piece to do but I think I am just going to grab one and leap right in. I loved doing the figure drawings in class. They were blissfully relaxing to draw. I got to be really soft and delicate which I really like especially in contrast to the crazy rough stuff I have been doing in theme sequencing.

Photography is also going well. I have been doing overtime in the dark room and I have a few really nice prints done. I will post more later.

I went for a walk today and I did more short clips and photos that deal with the other theme I like which is communication and borders especially with reflections. I could only upload the rough clips to YouTube but I think they will give you the idea. ^.^ I love reflections, communication, and taking chances( leaps of faith.) I talk allot with Rachel as we are in the same house and good friends. We are shockingly opposite in allot of ways though, and allot of that is in how we think. This means that it is often very hard for us to understand each other, especially when we start talking about really complex ideas like reality and modes of thought. (We have completely different beliefs on reality.) I like trying to illustrate the leap that it is to jump into one of these conversations. Sometimes you connect. Sometimes you don't. Sometimes there is an openness, a peek into a new way of thought, a new world that is fragile and beautiful, and sometimes it feels like you are utterly isolated and make no sense.

These sketches and photos are what I am leaning towards in a way, I know I have allot of kinks to work out though^.^

I am trying to leave myself open in these endeavors. I think that is part of where I went wrong with the trucker thing. Who knows maybe I will find a way to tie it though.

Oh, I decided top take Janna's advice and make a piece that is to to trucker but approaching it by thinking what he would like most. I have decided to do a dance as motion was always what he loved most and it was when he lost that ability that we finally had to put him down. Rachel (sorry it is on her camera so not downloaded yet) has already recorded a rough flick of me dancing along one of the river roads that is just like where trucker would have walked. I plan of voicing over it about when trucker lost his mobility so that the connection becomes clear and putting in some music.

We shale see. Their are alto of ideas here though and too little time. I'll just have to keep gnawing away at the doing of them and see how it goes! Maybe I can find a way to tie some of this into drawing. I have an idea with the dance piece but we shale have too see **wink.**

PS I got a sweet new hair cut. Hope you like it as much as I !