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Sunday, February 8

Slowing Down

This week in our sketchbook class, Reagan tossed us a clementine and told us to observe every step that went into eating it. I thought to myself I know what steps go into eating a clementine. The act seemed familiar and mundane. I quickly formulated the cliff notes version of the lesson. "Observe and know every step of a process and understand what you are doing."
However I didn't get the lesson, because in order to truly know something it takes time. You have to slow down to listen and get acquainted with it. I had this revelation this Friday. That morning I woke up with a headache that would have kept me in bed if I had not already promised my housemate Alex that I would go to the costume exhibit with him at the Palazzo Pitti. Slowly I followed him through the exhibits, admiring the beautiful details of the costumes. Turning to catch up, a window that is too high up to see out of catches my eye. I stop in front of it and see two large marble steps that lead up to the window. Tempted, I look around for a guard and climb up. Out from the window I look down on the large fountain that looks over the garden and the courtyard. I wanted to savour every detail of that moment. From the sun that reflected through the rain to the cold marble beneath my feet.
For the rest of the day I let Florence guide me through my day, instead of a schedule or an agenda, allowing the the city to reveal itself to me. Some of the most beautiful things I have seen in Florence I saw that day, which I am sure I would have missed if I had rushed through my day.(See Alex Jacob's Flickr because I forgot my camera that day :(. Lizard and and plant on the bridge) Like the old man reading a book under a street light in the middle of a traffic circle, an image that I can not get out of my head. 
So that is what I learned this week. Until next week here are some images I gathered.

Ciao! Sasha