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Sunday, February 8

Anna's 3rd post

Last week I knew exactly what I wanted to work on, and what I wanted the result to be. This week, charged with creating "a work of art," I have all the room for creativity that I can handle! I've thought plenty, and I have two themes that I'm really into.
The first one is still in a very "cerebral" stage, to use one of Jana's words. I'm still working on a way to show it simply and understandably. I think that won't happen this week.
But--the other is the strongest gut reaction I've had since I've been here, and even if I feel really uncomfortable with the media, I just want to do something with it. It was 2 weeks ago, and I was running at night past the stadium. I've done this before and thought it was pretty, but with a game going on it was overpowering. I would hear a dull roar, and then when I ran by one of the entrances both the light and the sound exploded out at me.
But that was just the peel of my orange. When I got past the initial shock of the noise and lights, there was something else there, this strange moment of deja vu. I was listening to the crowd, with individual voices indistinguishable, rising and falling and seeming to bounce off of each other. And I suddenly thought "San Lorenzo."
It seems funny, because it's so empty and hollow compared to the stadium. But when we'd been drawing there in class, I'd noticed how when it was quiet, there is this sound that comes to you that you can't figure out where it's coming from. It's soft and diffuse and comes in a bunch of different waves, but it's still a definite noise. So past each of the rest of the entrances, I would imagine myself in San Lorenzo, with the noise of the crowd the echoing silence that I usually hear in the church. It sounded really natural in my head--not exactly like normal, but natural enough that it fit. And I loved how something as simple as imagining the sound from one place in another place made me think about the two places so much. There were all these comparisons, and are churches and stadiums more alike than different or more different than alike, and it makes me feel uncomfortable to imagine thousands of screaming fans in San Lorenzo...

So my problem is that this made me think a lot, and I'm making a lot of connections to my theme of "discipline." (Not surprising given that it is involved in practicing religion and soccer.) But I'm kind of attached to the original feeling that I had in discovering this similarity that I see between the two places, and I'm worried that if I try to include all these other ideas I'm having, I'll ruin my chances of communicating to everyone else my original experience. (Or ruin my chances of making them feel something similar.)

This all feels like very high stakes to me, and I'm worried a lot. I feel like it's a weird idea to begin with, and other people might not understand it; I'm intimidated about making my video live up to what I'm hearing in my head; my sound quality isn't so good; my audio is from inside the stadium rather than outside, and you can hear more individual noises; will it sound lame coming out of laptop speakers; and I don't know how I want the pacing of the video to go. And I'm worried about making a non-narrative video, without characters and stuff. I hope people don't get bored, but I've done so many assignments that I'm comfortable with or apathetic to, that this one deserves to be done.

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