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Sunday, February 22


For the past few weeks I have been doing a lot of self-reflection and I am coming to the conclusion that I am really interested in the way people view themselves, me and the world. So for my projects in both Sketchbook and theme sequnece I am exploring art and life through the perspectives of others.

Maybe it was in the spirit of carnevale, but this week I was all about dressing up and going incognito. For sketchbook I decided to re-enact the self portrait of Ghiberti on the Gates of Paradise. I suffered some minor setbacks(cracking skin, red eyes and almost not making it to class because the whole upper part of my body was a mix of red and bronze.), but I have to say before that I totally was having a great time seeing myself totally painted in bronze. However I still have a lot of work to do to make it look like I am on the gates.
Another disguise I was playing with was "the blonde". I was always curious about what it was like to be a blonde and this weekend I set out to find out. Although I was one in thousands of people who were incognito, it did make me more aware of how people acted and spoke about other races or creeds. How a blonde wig relates directly to my project I am not so sure. How it relates to me and everything that I am not I have thought about all my life and I will probably never be sure.
