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Saturday, March 21

Cats Post!

Wahhh! So much to write ! So spring break was Amazing. I saw Rome and visited with my grandparents. I got a ton of ideas as to where I want to go and allot of focus too. Midterm crit also helped with focussing and made me feal less scatered. I think Regan was right in alot of ways by saying my work in my grounding. I want to realy make a stable rock project to go withthat. I decided to role with an idea of making a series of period costumes and staging letters that supposedly belonged to the person who wore the cloths. It gives me an excuse to do historical research which I love, lets me sew which relaxes me and ties in with my first project, but less with finding myself and more in finding and discovering others. (Sort of though because in a way they are imaginary and thus still myself but reaching out to encompass a greater something.)
After making this dress (and seeing potential cost issue) and after writing the letter (and wanting perhaps a deeper connection with my subject ) I am debating how I want to continue this. I still really like my first atempt but I can see other potential ways of working this. (I like the idea of a doctor who jornal) I both like and dislike how little of the person's life and personality I can fit into a single letter. Its both frustrating and tantalizing. I look forward to seeing what John thinks.
On another note, I am also making miniature and a few just small books (some with found drawing YAY Regan!). In trying to fill them, I have started to write a princess story. It is fun because, like my letters, the fairy tail text really makes me pay more attention to writing stiles. Also the princess story has huge personal signifigance as my mom uses to tell me them every night before going to bed. Their is an intimacy and beuty to the handmade books. Their is both a joy from the intimate and small wit hthe miniature ones. I am dibating though how important filling them or the context of hte inside realy is. For now i will just play around and expiriment ^.^ I want this to stay at least for a while more of a project just for me because I want to have fun and no pressure with it.

Well ta ta for now! -The Percosious Cat