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Sunday, March 1


Aww, come on lovelies- optimism, optimism! I think anyone who came to studio and saw the kinds of things we were doing would say we are a crazy, ridiculous, spectacular bunch.

Evidentiary Support, A through D:

A) The Little Einsteins theme song blaring next to my desk when anyone steps on that marvelous blow up contraption. Whenever I'm working, out of the corner of my eye, all I see is this fabulous, giant red blob.

B) An array of numerous stolen road signs, restaurant posters, and chairs of every imaginable sort. Actually, I remember when I saw Holly last Tuesday morning as she showed up to class with a sweet office desk roller- right up there with Sylva's blown up TV, and Siena's umbrella handle collection. I'm proud, guys. Also, I think it is necessary to congratulate Stud 41 on doing a magnificent job of putting up with us. How she's still standing.... beats me.

C) You know when people are going nuts and fantastic in studio when you have to duck under someone's project to get up the stairs. Ah yes... dodging about with cat-like speed and reflexes to get to the bathroom! I wouldn't have it any other way.

D) On a serious, sappy note- If any of you are reading this- teachers, peers, Santa Rep community- I truly feel honored having the opportunity to work with and be a part of a group of such incredible, kind, intelligent, and talented individuals. If I can give a fraction back of what I feel that you all have given to me, I'll consider myself doing damn well. Thank you.

On a brief work related note:
In an idiotic display of confusion, for some reason I thought it would be a great idea to cover my face-limitation well with a big mass of acrylic paint. I then had a freak out at the disastrous result, followed by about a bazillion phone calls to a zillion different people hoping for some support, when my cousin -in her very calm, methodical way- suggested painting the entire thing black on purpose, and letting my face show through in some places, or possibly sanding it out so my face comes through the black. Smarty pants mcgee. Also, I'm currently working on covering an entire wall of the printmaking room in the San Gallo studio with pictures of myself acting out the back story behind several famous paintings. At least, thats the hope... if the print making teacher doesn't come attack me when she sees what I've done... but I did leave her a very goofy note. I'm hoping if anything, she'll interpret my odd humor as quirky charm. Fingers crossed!

Having a bit of trouble uploading my images... but Jorie is doing the best she can!

Give it a whirl, I think it worked this time when I tried to get my pictures up on flickr:

Lots of love, tata for now!