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Sunday, March 22

in which grace joins the dark side...

As much as I love them, I think it's time for me to take some time away from holes (what a breakup!). Since I don't think I'm working directly from my last project, I feel a little lost, as if I've started the semester over and started my gathering/collecting process all over again.

But looking back at my photos from spring break and this first week back, I think I'm interested in the same things I always was, but with a shift in focus. I was really struck by the gorgeous light and shadow in the Archaeological Museum in Naples, and I took more pictures of reflections in Lucca...What I'm fascinated by is the way light can completely change the atmosphere of a place, and I'm playing with that as I experiment with mood in my drawings, photos, etc...

I'm also leaning towards things with a dark/creepy undertone. I keep coming back to this monster from Pan's Labyrinth (isn't it great? isn't it creepy?):

I just find it bizarrely amazing that it puts its eyes into slits in its palms, then puts them up to its face to see...Hands and eyes are such powerful images, I think, that the juxtaposition of the two is jarring.

In terms of what I'm making, I have a million things going on - photos, drawings, videos, that empty birdcage that's just waiting to be used...For next week, though, I want to at least have my drawings sorted out. I'm using themes from my nightmares and trying to get at things people are universally afraid of...