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Sunday, March 22

Jennifer reflects on mirrors

Sooo during midterm critques I mentioned that the reason I liked working on all of these walls in Florence was because they made such great grounds...and so of course the teachers said I should make grounds myself haha. My original plan was to photocopy a bunch of my 15 minute drawings, which I did, and apply them to some surface and paint and take away and what not to create some grounds. However, on Thursday I walked down to the antique market looking for some old photos to use in the grounds and on the way back I came across some mirrors that somebody had put beside the dumpster, and I thought, "well I wonder what kind of ground I could make with a mirror as my base. And so begins my mirror obsession. I saw that some of the back was chipping off and you could see through the mirror, so I started to scrape away at the back and kept getting confused about which part was the mirror and which part I was looking through, and I thought that was really interesting. So right now I am playing around with what kind of illusions I can make and how I can use these illusions to enhance my focus on the layering of history and weathering on all of these walls.
I also went a little crazy and found this awesome chrome spray...and I sprayed this door I found on the side of the road, and it's pretty cool but don't know where that's going yet either...and then I found a big piece of wood and thought that would make a good ground and started to paint and apply things to that. So now I have three things that may or may not come together but I'm just trying to break my usual habits and just DO things without necessarily knowing the end result...and so far it's turning out to be quite interesting! I can't wait to see how things come together. Pictures to come...