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Sunday, March 29

// Laura Javier // 08

I started out this week with the plan to design "Reductio Ad Absurdum" packaging for a bunch of random objects. My first was a soup can label; I bought a can of soup, removed the label, took label dimensions, completed half of the label design, then... got hungry and ate... the... soup...

So then I was basically left designing around a piece of trash. Aaaand, I've decided to design packaging for trash.

The plan is to collect trash... or litter, really... at the top touristy sites in Florence (the Duomo, the Ponte Vecchio, etc) and package them individually under the name of a line called 'Rejectables'... collectibles... 'Rejectibles?'... 'ibles' looks like 'mandibles' to me... anyway.

I think I want to put them into clear wine bottles to recall those 'ship-in-a-bottle'...s. Then I'd display them on their sides so they'd be more palatable as objects -- as opposed to upright wine bottles full of garbage that still suggest potability. Che schifo!

From there I can play with different types of bottles... maybe the Duomo and the Uffizi each gets a full blown wine bottle and Via San Gallo gets a small sparkling water bottle... or a plastic water bottle.

Then I'd present the collection under the guise of a window display complete with price list, posters, etc.

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current classwork
tourist photos // past work
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