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Sunday, March 22

Monica MC Sews and Stuffs her Psyche

    I've come back from Spring Break more refreshed and excited to get to work. I had a very wonderful and relaxing week in Florence with my boyfriend, eating gelato and lounging in the Boboli Gardens. I took an overnight trip to Rome as well, and was totally blown away by the city. I now see why people complain about Florence being so small!
     Now that I'm back it's good to do some old-fashioned manual labor. I decided to continue with my stuffed animal theme, but this time I'm making them on a much larger scale. I decided to combine stuffed animal making with something I've always been interested in: representing psychological states, personality types, and the subconscious. That's why I decided to design and create representations of the Id and the Superego. The Id will be much more wild and unhindered, while the Superego is the responsible, levelheaded type. I will eventually document my encounters with both characters, either in photographs or some type of performance (I'm sort of considering stop-motion animation). 
In our Sketchbook class we took a trip to the anthropology museum, and I have to say I think it's my favorite so far. I loved the miscellaneous way everything was organized, and the artifacts they had there were just amazing (especially the shrunken heads and mummies). I think I'll be returning soon to get a closer look at some of those amazing masks and outfits. 

Pictures of the Superego, as well as some boots I painted on: here.

Until next post!
    Monica McClain