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Sunday, March 29

in which grace tries to be creepy/scary

I am now thinking about common fears/phobias. Many people have a fear or an aversion to spiders or snakes. But why? I thought about how fears might connect us, might be a part of what makes us "human."

Last week I found this image from the movie Silence of the Lambs, and I found the placement of the moth over her mouth very striking. So I've been thinking about the relationship between an object of fear and the body, and the specific body part, etc., and I've decided to work with insects as a common phobia.

I am still working on the technical aspects of creating my moth/insect room. I've been working with photocopies and cutting out certain parts, or repeating an image to create a mass of insects, a la Hitchcock's Birds or the 10 plagues of Egypt as recounted in the Bible. I think there is a certain power in numbers where, although one locust might not be very intimidating, a whole swarm of them certainly is. My job for the rest of this week is to keep on with the cutouts to see what best produces the desired effect.

Pictures here.