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Monday, March 30

Rachel does exist!

Gah, sorry to all those who might have been awaiting an entry from me. I don't know if I can figure out how much is new news at this point.
So, update: I am pretty happy with where my work is going. I have this idea for an installation that's hopefully going to be pretty horrifying (only an art student, right?). I was going to work on it a ton next weekend but got back too late Friday to buy plaster and discovered that the mesticcheria where I buy it was closed all weekend. Definitely a letdown, and even though I guess I couldn't have done a lot to fix it, I felt like I had failed somehow. So instead of working on my installation this weekend, I tried to work on my earlier storybook-with-illustrations idea. Somehow though, I couldn't shake that feeling I had failed, so I kind of just wrote a bit more before slouching down and hiding on the internetz and in a book. I wish I didn't do that; it only ever makes things worse to run from them because then the consequences are bigger once they finally catch up to you. But now I think I am on a better track. It also helps (no offense, guys) that my family left and I can concentrate and work better. Just, with all the stupid little things I keep doing, like not being quite prepared for a class and, gah, losing my sketchbook, and showing up late to drawing perspectives, and unthinkingly using Sienna's mug to pour wax in, and being too busy hiding from the fact I haven't done anything to get anything done... I really hope that stage is over. Please, thanks, bye.
I guess I should describe my projects, huh? Well, my installation involves a lot of body parts (hands, arms, legs) cast in wax hung from the ceiling, with sutures sewn in and maybe sewing patterns cast in near the surface. Poles are supposed to go through these limbs from wall to wall, making a crisscross. The "wounds" in the limbs "bleed" to the floor, also in crisscrossing lines, and then become (variably legible) writing where they meet the floor. I am debating whether or not to leave a part of the floor clear to allow the viewer to travel to the back of the space and open a cabinet there with a journal of some of my freewritings in it.
So before you (cough, family, cough) freak out on me I would like to say that I couldn't really pinpoint for the meaning of most of the events in the installation. The whole idea kind of just popped into my head, fully formed. It also doesn't seem to want to alter itself overmuch, so we will see how cooperative my materials and the laws of physics are with it.
My other idea, the storybook one, is about a little boy who lives in a world where all little boys have doors in their stomachs, which they are supposed to never open. Of course, this boy does. What I have written of it so far can be found here. I feel a bit better about it now because I have a clear mental image of at least what I have written so far in its illustrated form (I would show you my sketches but I forgot my card reader. As the italians say, ops.
Anyways, I shall be posting again soon to make up for my tardiness here. Thanx, ciao tutti ^_^