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Monday, March 9

Chapter 8: In which some things end and others begin.

Crit! You can read my full decompression at SeriousSharks, (for the sake on unclogging the blog) but I think the comments during the critique helped me understand that I had fallen prey to the idea that I had to have some kind of master concept and a cohesive piece, a consistency, which wasn't necessarily true. I mean, I kinda had that with the photo project. But with the drawing piece: this was where I should have had dozens and dozens of trials, and some errors, but some grand successes as I worked in a sort of messy inbetween instead of trying to get all 2D Design about it. This feels contrary to everything I've been taught, and it's going to be a struggle to unlearn some things, but I think that's where we're headed as a class and I think with John and Regan's guidance we'll get there.

I also have some interesting directions to go with the photo project. I wish I had my Nikon here, because the quality from a Powershot isn't up to par to continue digitally. . .