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Sunday, March 1

hg's midterm post

This weekend has surprisingly not been as stressful as I thought it would be.  I had a few minor panic moments just thinking about everything I had to do, but making a daily schedule of things to do really helps me stay organized, even if I don't follow the times exactly right.  I am finished with my midterm project YAAAY--minus a few check-up things I need to do on getting the sound to play.  I documented some of my work as it came along, and I actually ended up sewing my buttons onto a shirt I already had because I couldn't find any other ones I liked that were cheap and not ugly.  I am excited slash nervous for critique because my piece relies on my ability to put on jewelry in the allotted time I've created with the sounds...and I am not always the most graceful under pressure.  I am really excited about my project though--and surprised that it ended up taking such an emotional turn.  I don't think I've ever created anything this personal before, and it's really meaningful to me that I've been able to do this.  