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Sunday, March 1


The good news is that i'm Producing more than i ever have in my life. the bad news is that i only barely know what day it is. or where i am. There isn't very much to say this week, just working nonstop and attempting to put together what may remain as seperate project or may just meet up in the middle at the last minute. either way i'm alot of hours in with alot more hours to go. Internal clock aside, i am enjoying myself immensely. There is something satisfying about knowing that there are huge expectations but being able to attack them completely on my own terms. I am doing the work that i want to be doing, the way i want to be doing it on my own (hectic) schedule. we'll see how it works out.  
I'm going to post a couple of photos of things that i've been working on but i'm planning on doing a larger post of all of my work on thursday when it all wraps up.
till then...