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Sunday, March 22


Promise to keep it short! Anyhow...

Before break I decided that I wanted play with video as a new format for my cutouts and to further explore the light/shadow aspect which I think will, as suggested in crit, help me move away from the frames. But I also thought I might like to go back to manipulating maps again. So I decided to just make some things to get them out of my head and see where they go as separate entities as well as combined ideas. 

After coming back from break and brainstorming a little, I realized that what the whole map thing comes down to is wanderlust. I love to travel. I feel the most myself and at home when I'm wandering all over the place halfway across the world. All of a sudden, I was ridiculously inspired and now have a million ideas in my head. I have a travel journal at home that is bursting at the seams with stuff... tickets, receipts, stickers, maps, etc. So I think I'm going to use all this to make my stop motion video which sounds vague but only because I have those million ideas floating around in my head and don't want to focus on only one just yet.

As I was playing with this, Regan sent me an email from an art contest which actually inspired the first little test run I did. I'm not sure I'll stick to just cutouts because I like the idea of having objects but we'll see. 

Not only that, but there just so happened to be an international animated film festival going on when we were in Lucca yesterday. So I have a lot of thoughts/images/ideas to sift through in my head.

OH, by the way, photos linked in title.